Our Story

Growing up I saw Christians as judgmental hypocrites. And I wanted nothing to do with it.

But then I started to see the authentic side of Christianity and saw the life transforming power that's in Jesus!

After I experienced these things, I gave my life to the Lord, and the love of Christ began to change me forever!

Now, with the help of God, I have a passion to use To Give Light to fulfill two goals:

  • To inspire the people of God to walk away from hypocrisy and to give light to those around us through the love of Christ.

  • And instill courage into them to endure the struggles of life through the power of God.

We all know, as followers of Christ, how hard the struggles in this life are. Satan, the world, and sin are always trying to dominate us and steal away our identity!

We want to help you to not fall away but to stand firm in the faith!

And through this, we hope to help strengthen each other to walk in the same mission as Jesus according to the Gospels:

"...to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.” - Luke 1:79


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